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Class: 6 | Science |
Chapter 1: | Food: Where Does It Come From? |
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- Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Keywords
Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Keywords & Main Points
Important Keywords
Important Key Words related to chapter 1 of grade 6 science are given below. these are only important keywords. If you want to see all the keywords related to chapter 1 of 6th science, visit page Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Keyword.
Ingredients: | The raw materials used to prepare a dish. |
Edible: | Substances that can be eaten. |
Nectar: | The sweet essence of flowers. |
Omnivores: | Animals that eat both plants and animals. |
Apiculture: | The rearing of honey bees on a large scale. |
Herbivores: | Animals that eat only green plants. |
Carnivores: | Animals that eat only the flesh of other animals. |
Main Points for Revision
- Food is obtained from plants and animals.
- Different parts of plants are used as food items.
- There are three categories of living organisms—herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
- People eat different kinds of foods in different regions of India.
- Certain ingredients are needed to prepare a particular dish.
- Photosynthesis is a process by which leaves absorb sunlight and prepare food using chlorophyll.
- Rice and wheat flour are called Staple Food.
- The rearing of honey bees on large scale is known as Apiculture.
The Way to Study Class 6 Science Chapter 1
1. Food Variety
This part of the content gives an idea about a wide range of food items eaten across various states of India. Now we know that different organisms eat different kinds of Components of food. Every food has its ingredients to prepare. Such as wheat flour and water are the primary ingredients of Chapati. For making Dal pulses, water, salt, oil, ghee and spices are needed. Materials that are needed to prepare a portion of food are called its ingredients.
The primary sources of our food are plants and animals. Rice, wheat, paddy, pulses, vegetables, and fruits are the plant sources of our food. Items that we get directly or indirectly from animals are called animal sources of our food. Butter, ghee, cream, cheese, and curd are the indirect sources of food that we get from animals. Some food items like milk, eggs, meat, and chicken are the direct sources of food that we get from animals.
3. Plant Parts as Food
As we learn before that, we eat fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses. Here we are Getting to know the plants that provide us with food. We eat different parts of the plant as a food called edible parts. Generally, leaves and fruits are the main sources of our food as parts of a plant. However, roots, stems and flowers are also considered a source of our food in some plants. We eat plants like carrot, turnip, radish and beetroot as a root. Some of the plants have underground stems that we eat, such as potatoes, onion and garlic. We eat leaves of the plant as lettuce, spinach, cabbage and coriander. Cauliflower, banana, and pumpkin are also eaten as a flower. Wheat, maize, paddy, beans, and different pulses that we eat are seeds of plants.
4. Animal Products as Food
This part of the content gives an idea about animal products or food items. We eat animal products like meat, egg, honey, milk, cheese, butter and curd. Cow, buffalo and goat are the primary sources of milk. Similarly, chicken provides meat and eggs. The main animals for the meat are goat, chicken, fish and prawns. Honey Bee produces, honey, from the nectar of flowers. It is rich in sugars, minerals and enzymes. We should eat sprouted seeds every day for nutritional requirements. We need energy for body movement and other activities. Food Provides that energy to us.
Living organisms have different eating habits. Based on eating habits living organisms are categorised as Herbivorous, Carnivorous and Omnivorous. Animals that eat only grass and plant products are called herbivores. Examples of these animals are Cow, Deer, goats and Rabbit. Animals that eat the flesh of other animals are called carnivores. A few examples of such animals are Lion, Jackal, Frog and Cat. Animals that eat both plants and meat are called omnivorous like humans and Crow.
Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Questions Answers
1. Given below are the names of some animals:
(i) Goat (ii) Human beings (iii) Cockroach (iv) Eagle
Which of the above animals form a pair of omnivores?
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)
Answer: (b) (ii) and (iii)
2. Below are the names of some animals:
(i) Cow (ii) Sheep (iii) Horse (iv) Ox
Which of the above are sources of milk for human beings?
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i) and (ii) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (iii) and (iv)
Answer: (b) (i) and (ii)
3. Read each set of terms and identify the odd set
(a) Cow, milk, butter
(b) Hen, meat, egg
(c) Goat, milk, meat
(d) Plant, vegetable, buttermilk
Answer: (d) Plant, vegetable, buttermilk
4. Why do boiled seeds fail to sprout?
Answer 8: Boiling kills the seeds.
5. Where do bees store honey?
Answer: In beehives.
6. Name two ingredients in our food that are not obtained from plants or animals. Mention one source for each ingredient.
Answer: (i) Salt from sea water/rocks. (ii) Water from river/well/tap/pond/tubewell/rain
7. Why should we avoid wastage of food?
Answer: a- Flower: b- Bud: c- Leaf: d-Stem
8. Why do organisms need food? Write two reasons.
Answer: Enough food is not available for all of us/Food is very costly and poor people cannot afford to buy/Any other reason.
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If you need some change to the website or there is any modification in solutions, please notify us. We will change it according to you. We are wording to maintain a user-friendly website with the help of visitors. All the NCERT Solutions are updated for Academic Session 2021-22 in Hindi Medium and English Medium.
Important Questions on Class 6 Science Chapter 1
Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food?
No. Different animals eat different kinds of food as per their body structure and internal organs. Depending on the kind of food they eat, animals are divided into three basic categories: Herbivores: Animals that feed on plants and plant products are called herbivores. Examples: cow, goat, elephant, dear, etc. Carnivores: Animals that feed on other animals are called carnivores. Examples: lion, tiger, fox, etc. Omnivores: Animals that feed on both plants and animals are called omnivores. Examples: crow, cat, dog, etc.